/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_bottle --lat_start eq 53.3453-- Level 1

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# Niskin Bottle Data from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 28 March 2013
# Note: BCO-DMO added cast,from
#    ime_start, lat_start, lon_start headers.   the CTD file headers.
cast  date_gmt  time_start  lat_start  lon_start  
31    20120626  2145        53.3453    -30.7452   
bottle  time_gmt  press_avg  press_sd  press_min  press_max  depth_avg  depth_sd  depth_min  depth_max  potemp   potemp2  sal       sal2       O2        O2_sat_pcnt  sigma_0  sigma_0_2  sigma_t  sigma_t_2  temp_avg  temp_sd  temp_min  temp_max  temp2_avg  temp2_sd  temp2_min  temp2_max  cond_avg  cond_sd   cond_min  cond_max  cond2_avg  cond2_sd  cond2_min  cond2_max  O2_v_avg  O2_v_sd  O2_v_min  O2_v_max  trans_avg  trans_sd  trans_min  trans_max  beam_c_avg  beam_c_sd  beam_c_min  beam_c_max  fluor_avg  fluor_sd  fluor_min  fluor_max  turbidity_avg  turbidity_sd  turbidity_min  turbidity_max  scan_avg  scan_sd  scan_min  scan_max  ISO_DateTime_UTC  
1       2145.75   7.130      0.086     7.025      7.332      7.066      0.085     6.962      7.267      12.9978  13.0087  34.7026   34.6998    6.29231   105.96563    26.1629  26.1586    26.1627  26.1584    12.9988   0.0130   12.9814   13.0174   13.0096    0.0113    12.9876    13.0199    4.065485  0.001277  4.063946  4.067226  4.066238   0.001094  4.064153   4.067296   2.4667    0.0014   2.4640    2.4689    84.4297    0.0956    84.2382    84.5467    0.6770      0.0045     0.6715      0.6861      3.3589     0.0676    3.2782     3.4834     0.6158250      0.0099400     0.6000024      0.6317485      1127      35       1067      1187      2012-06-26T21:45:45Z  
2       2145.85   7.089      0.170     6.824      7.382      7.026      0.168     6.763      7.317      13.0062  13.0044  34.7018   34.7001    6.29254   105.98711    26.1606  26.1597    26.1604  26.1595    13.0072   0.0112   12.9936   13.0244   13.0053    0.0075    12.9950    13.0261    4.066202  0.001131  4.064653  4.067945  4.065853   0.000710  4.064902   4.067850   2.4675    0.0011   2.4664    2.4701    84.4125    0.1235    84.1868    84.5981    0.6778      0.0059     0.6690      0.6885      3.3725     0.0743    3.2782     3.4760     0.6117281      0.0085912     0.6024444      0.6293065      1283      35       1223      1343      2012-06-26T21:45:51Z  
3       2145.97   6.987      0.306     6.592      7.602      6.925      0.303     6.533      7.535      13.0140  13.0140  34.7023   34.7003    6.28000   105.79322    26.1594  26.1579    26.1592  26.1577    13.0149   0.0086   13.0052   13.0337   13.0150    0.0079    13.0049    13.0378    4.066994  0.001075  4.065766  4.069198  4.066793   0.000745  4.065833   4.069019   2.4664    0.0015   2.4640    2.4701    84.2754    0.3832    83.3900    84.5724    0.6844      0.0182     0.6702      0.7266      3.3422     0.0684    3.2196     3.4174     0.6142104      0.0142113     0.6024444      0.6439585      1435      35       1375      1495      2012-06-26T21:45:58Z